Pain Poster Session



Mississippi River Basic Science Pain Research Poster Session

Friday, June 7th


Abdelrahman Alhilou

"Glutamate has no effect on experimental mechanical allodynia after injections of nerve growth factor into the human masseter muscle"


Kristina Angeby Moller

"TRPV1 antagonist for OA Pain: Preclinical In vivo results predicts clinical outcomes"


Golnaz Barjandi

“A pilot study on kynurenine levels and tryptophan degradation in plasma of temporomandibular disorders or fibromyalgia and its relationship to comorbid symptoms”


Danny Bruce

“Peripherally-restricted opioid combinations synergize across multiple pain states”


Jen Cook

"The Complement 3A Receptor in Spinal Cord Injury"


Reshma Gore

"TrkB activation in chronic neuropathic pain"


Alexandra Jurczak

"Rheumatoid arthritis-autoantibody induced pain-like behavior and bone erosion – links to osteoclast activity and acid sensing ion channel 3 (ASIC3)-mediated sensitization”


Travis Okerman

"Involvement of the PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathway in the Peripheral and Central Nervous System in the Development of Morphine Tolerance"


Cristina Peterson

"Selective Antagonism of Spinal GluN2B EPSCs by Agmatine"


Kelsey Pflepsen

"Biodistribution of AAV5 viral particles in adult and aged mice"


Vlad Radoi

"Interactions between the opioid and serotonin systems in chronic pain. Quantitative live cell study by functional Fluorescence Microscopy Imaging (fFMI)"


Resti Rudjito

"Contribution of osteoclasts to mechanical hypersensitivity in the collagen antibody-induced arthritis (CAIA) model"


Gerald Sakamai

"Comparison of Synthetic, Semi-synthetic, and Natural Opioids in Downstream Potassium Signaling through Behavioral Testing and Fluorescence Assays"


Sarah Shueb

"Systemic Administration of MMG22 Attenuate Hyperalgesia in a Model of Chronic Bone Cancer Pain"